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Layanan Kami

Jenis Jasa Pelayanan Perpajakan kami adalah:

Jasa Kepatuhan Pajak (Tax Compliance Services)
Jasa ini berkaitan dengan perhitungan pajak bulanan atau tahunan, penyiapan SPT, dan pelaporan SPT ke kantor pajak. Terkadang jasa ini juga mencakup verifikasi perhitungan pajak, tanpa ada penyiapan dan pelaporan SPT karena klien langsung menyiapkan e-SPT (SPT Elektronik) dan melaporkannya ke kantor pajak.

Jasa Asistensi Pajak (Tax Assistance Service)
Jasa ini diberikan kepada klien jika klien sedang diperiksa oleh kantor pajak, atau sedang mengajukan keberatan ke kantor pajak, atau sedang mengajukan banding/gugatan ke Pengadilan Pajak. Ruang lingkupnya di antaranya mencakup:
1. penyiapan dokumen pendukung untuk keperluan pemeriksaan / keberatan/ gugatan/banding
2. penyiapan tanggapan atas koreksi pemeriksa atau hasil temuan pajak. enelaah keberatan atau penyiapan surat gugatan/banding untuk diajukan ke Pengadilan Pajak
3. pendampingan klien ketika berhadapan dengan pemeriksa / penelaah keberatan di kantor pajak atau saat beracara di Pengadilan

Jasa Telaah Pajak (Tax Diagnostic Review atau Tax Due Diligence)
Jasa ini mirip dengan pemeriksaan pajak yang dilakukan oleh kantor pajak. Prosedur dan teknik pemeriksaannya diadopsi dari proses pemeriksaan pajak. Perbedaannya terletak pada hasil akhirnya. Jika ada pemeriksaan pajak, hasilnya pada umumnya adalah ketetapan pajak berupa SKP dan/atau STP. Akan tetapi, untuk jasa telaah pajak ini, hasilnya adalah saran/rekomendasi terkait dengan pelaksanaan kewajiban perpajakan klien di tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Saran perbaikan tersebut bertujuan untuk memperkuat dokumen pendukung agar tidak muncul potensi pajak saat ada pemeriksaan pajak. Selain itu, saran ke klien juga dapat berupa rencana penghematan pajak (tax planning) di masa mendatang.

Jasa Administrasi Pajak (Tax Administration Service)
Jasa ini diberikan hanya sebatas pengurusan NPWP baru atau pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak (PKP) baru. Jika ada pencabutan NPWP atau pembatalan surat pengukuhan PKP, jasa yang diberikan berupa jasa asistensi pajak karena Wajib Pajak tersebut akan diperiksa oleh kantor pajak dulu sebelum permohonannya disetujui.

Jasa Pelatihan Pajak (Tax Training Service)
Jasa ini biasa diberikan kepada klien dalam bentuk in-house training. Pelaksanaannya bisa sehari atau lebih dari sehari tergantung kesepakatan.Topiknya juga disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan klien. Para pesertanya berasal dari pegawai satu perusahaan atau pegawai dari satu grup perusahaan.

Jasa Manual Pajak (Tax Manual Service)
Jasa ini bertujuan untuk membantu klien di dalam menyusun pedoman atau prosedur operasi standar di bidang perpajakan. Jasa ini diberikan untuk perusahaan-perusahaan yang sudah besar dengan struktur organisasi yang cukup kompleks.

Jasa Konsultansi Pajak (Tax Consulting Service / Tax Advisory Service)
Jasa ini menampung jasa-jasa yang belum tercakup di dalam jasa-jasa di atas. Akan tetapi, biasanya jasa ini berkaitan dengan pemberian advis, secara tertulis maupun lisan, lewat diskusi atau per telepon. Advis tersebut menyangkut pertanyaan-pertanyaan klien yang sedang mereka hadapi dalam aktivitas binsis sehari-hari. Kadangkala, bentuknya berupa telaah aspek perpajakan yang ada di dalam kontrak atau draft kontrak.

Jasa Pengadilan Pajak (Tax Court Service)
Jasa ini untuk membantu menyelesaikan sengketa pajak di pengadilan diperlukan konsultan pajak yang berizin kuasa hukum pajak. Layanan berupa mulai dari proses keberatan pajak, lalu banding di peradilan pajak, dan terakhir proses PK di MA. Layanan ini guna memastikan sengketa pajak dapat diselesaikan secara adil sesuai dengan peraturan perpajakan berlaku.

Jasa Pengisian SPT
Jasa ini untuk orang yang membantu Wajib Pajak untuk membuat dan menyampaikan laporan SPT Tahunan kepada Dirjen Pajak

Jadwal Operasional :

Senin – Jum’at    : 08:00 – 16:30

Sabtu                   : -               

Akuntansi Perpajakan

Menyusun Akuntansi Perpajakan yang mencakup, General Ladger (Buku Besar), Neraca, Perhitungan Laba/Rugi, dan Penjelasan Pos-pos Neraca serta Laba/Rugi sesuai dengan peraturan perpajakan.

Laporan Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT)

Membuat SPT Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan WP Badan, SPT Masa dan SPT Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan WP Orang Pribadi.

Pemeriksaan Pajak

Apabila ada pemeriksaan pajak dari Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) atau Kantor Wilayah Pajak (Kanwil) kami akan membantu membuat Surat Tanggapan Hasil Pemeriksaan dan Surat Keberatan atas Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar (SKPKB) dan Surat Keberatan atas Surat Tagihan Pajak (STP)

Pengadilan Pajak

Apabila pengurusan pajak sampai ke tingkat Pengadilan Pajak, kami akan membuat Surat Banding, Surat Bantahan atas Surat Uraian Banding dan ikut menghadiri Sidang di Pengadilan Pajak

Audit Pajak

Membantu dalam hal audit laporan keuangan dan Perpajakan.

Memberikan Pengarahan Prosedur Accounting dan Penerapannya

Pekerjaan ini merupakan pengerjaan atas pembuatan Laporan Keuangan dan Penyusunan SPT Tahunan perusahaan. Kami akan melakukan prosedur pengerjaan berdasarkan Standar Akuntansi yang dikeluarkan oleh Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia dan sesuai dengan ketentuan dan peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku.

Laporan Keuangan adalah tanggungjawab Manajemen Perusahaan, tanggung jawab Kami terletak pada penyusunan SPT Tahunan PPh Pasal 21 dan PPh Pasal 25/29 yang Kami terbitkan dalam bentuk SPT Tahunan.

PT Company Establishment

PT Company Establishment

Indonesia's economy is growing at an incredible pace and many enterpreneurs and investors are looking to Indonesia to turn their bussiness dreams into a reality and our Company Establishment Service is here to help!

There are a varienty of different packages you can pick for setting up a business in Indonesia and a PT is by far the most popular.

Essentially a PT is a local company, deseigned for Indonesia citizens and therefore we would only recommend setting up this type of bussines if you are either Indonesia or have a trustworthy Indonesia partner. If you are foreigner we would recommend setting up a PMA. To find out more about PMA Establishment.

Additionally, there are some business entities that are only available to Indonesia Companies, therefore, even if you are a foreign company or individual, you may still need to set up a PT. If you need more information about which entities can be open to foreign owned Companies, please feel free to ask the Rahayu Tax Consultant and Partners!

Our expert team are now located in Bogor, so feel free to book your free consultation!

The minimum requrements to set up a local PT are:

2 Lokal Shareholders
1 Lokal Director
1 Lokal Commissioner

In addition, there are 3 different sized Companies you can make, each requiring a different amount of Investment/paid in capital. There are:

Small: Above IDR 50.000.000 - 500.000.000
Medium: Above IDR 500.000.000 -
Large: Above IDR

Please note, that if you want to employ foreigner, in a PT, the company size must be at least Medium with a paid in capital Above IDR

Required Dokuments
Minimum 2shareholders
Identity and contact details of Company Shareholders:
For Indonesia Individuals, KTP and NPWP
For Indonesia Companies, copy of Article of Establishment and the amendements and the Approval form the Ministry of Law and Human Right, Domicile Letter, Tax Id, Business License, Company Registration Certificate (TDP/NIB)
identity and contact details of Company Directors and Commissioner:
For Indonesia Individuals, KTP, NPWP, email and phone number.
For Foreign Individuals, valid passport, email and phone number.
Original Domicile from building management
Copy of Lease Agreement between company and building management

Company Establishment Packages

To make your life simpler, Rahayu Tax Consultant and Partners offers fully serviced packages to get your business off the ground. The High Flyer Package included PT Establishment, a virtual office and an express KITAS! To find out more details about The High Flyer Package.

Register via the form link below:

PMA Company Establishment

PMA Company Establishment

If you are a foreign company or individual looking to start a business in Indonesia, a PMA (Penanaman Model Asing) ia the safest way to start a business in Indonesia. It Will ensure a the investor has full control over the direction the company. There are no restrictions where the company can operate and it reduces the risk IND finding a suitable local partner.

Being a foreign owned company the Investment value is significantly higher than that of a PT. The investor should invest above USD 1 million / 10 Bilion IDR as their Investment plan, with a paid-up capital above USD 1 million / 10 Bilion IDR. The Investment plan can either be cash or fixed assets, such as machinery. The paid-up capital does not need to be paid until after the company is established.

Please note that these numbers may seem daunting for star up businesses; however, for more clarification, please feel free to ask the LetsMoveIndonesia team.
Our expert team are now located in Bogor, so feel free to book your free consultation!

List Of Required Documents

1. Minimum 2 shareholders
2. Identity and contact details of Company Shareholders:
-For Indonesian Individuals, KTP and NPWP
-For Foreign Individuals, valid passport
-For Indonesian Companies, copy of Article of Establishment and the amendments and the Approval from the Ministry of Law and Human Right, Domicle Letter, Tax Id, Business Livense, Company Registration Certificate (TDP / NIB)
-For Foreign Companies/entities, copy of Article of Association in English or its translation in Bahasa Indonesia from a sworn translator
3. Identity and contact details of Company Directors and Commissioner:
-For Indonesian Individualis, KTP, NPWP, email and phone number
-For Foreign Individuals, valid passport, email and phone number.

Company Establishment Packages
To make your life simpler, Rahayu Tax Consultant and Partners offers fully serviced packages to get your business off the ground. The Magnate Package includes PMA Establishment, a virtual office and an Investor KITAS! To find out more details about the The Magnate Package!

Register via the form link below:

Representative Office Establishment

Representative Office Establishment

If your business is international and you are looking to potentially expand to Indonesia then this is the perfect company establishment type for you.

As a representative office, you will be able to supervise and coordinate business or do market research without the risk of large investments.A representative Office is an ideal option for businesses that are exploring business opportunities in the Indonesian market.

As a representative office,you will not be allowed to generate revenue,make business transactions,import or export goods however, you are entitled to obtain work permits for expatriate managers as well as obtain Multiple Business Visas for personal.

Generally,businesses pick this option if they are conducting market research or seeing whether their business model will work before setting up a PMA.
The main advantages of setting up this business entity include:
Its relative ease to set up

There is no need for large investments or paid up capital
There is significantly less paperwork as you will only need to report income tax for the employees as well as office space tax

If you require any more information on how to set up a Representative office or any of the above,then feel free to contact the LetsMoveIndonesia Team,we will be happy to help.

Required Documents to Obtain a License
1.Business license of foreign parent company

2.Articles of Association of the foreign parent company,including amendment(s) in English

3.Letter of Appointment from the foreign parent company

4.Letter of Intent - signed by the Director with the company stamp

5.Letter of Statement - signed by the chief Representative,mentioning the willingness to live in Indonesia and will not conduct other works/business beside the activity of the Representative Office

6.Power of Attorney to sign the application if being represented by another party

7.Copy of Registration at Chamber of Commerce of foreign parent company
(for number 2 -7 need to be legalized by a Public Notary and Indonesian Embassy in the country of foreign parent company)

8.Reference Letter from Indonesian Embassy Representative in the principal country

9.Representative Business Plan

10.Copy of valid passport (of foreign national); or a copy of ID Card and NPWP (of Indonesian national) who will be proposed as the Representative Office Head

11.Letterhead parent Company

12.Curriculum Vitae,Degree Certificate,and photograph of the Representative Office Head

13.Lease Agreement of Office in Indonesia

14.Scan Copy Tax Land Building and its payment (Pajak Bumi Bangunan/PBB)

15.Photo of the Office

Company Establishment Packages

To make your life simpler, Rahayu Tax Consultant and Partners offers fully serviced packages to get your business off the ground. The Magnate Package includes PMA Establishment, a virtual office and an Investor KITAS! To find out more details about the The Magnate Package!

Register via the form link below:

BPJS Registration

BPJS Registration

BPJS and its relevance for expatriates,has been a holty debated topic over the years.particularly as most expatriates fail to see the personal benefit of the scheme.However,it is now a mandatory requirement for all Indonesian residents who have been living in the country for 6 months or more.Ultimately,if you are the holder or a KITAS,you will no longer be able to extend it,unless you have been keeping on top of your BPJS payments and we are here to help you with your BPJS Registration!

So,What is it and who is it for? BPJS is a government initiative,imposed on all citizens of Indonesia to provide universal social security and consists of healthcare,pension schemes,work placed injury well as death benefits.This whole worker social security package aims to maintain decent basic living standards when participants encounter income loss or decrease resulting from workplace injurles.old age,retirement or death.

There are 2 types of BPJS.BPJS kesehatan (Health Security) as well as BPJS Ketenagierjaan (Social Securty).If you are an individual,you must register for the healthcare scheme, however,if you are a company you will need to register for social security scheme for employess.

Health Security BPJS (Kesehatan)

This is mandatory for individuals living in Indonesia and it gives the holder healthcare protection.You can determine which type of protection you would prefer and they offer 3 different classes of service,each coming at a slightly higher cost point,but with increased benefits to the users.

Social Security BPJS (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan)

If you are a business owner you must register all staff.If you are employed by a company they will register you and provide you with a Social Security Card.If you are working as a freelancer and would like to arrange cover,you can register for an Independent Social Security BPJS member.

Basic protection includes:
Old Age Protection,Working Accident Protection.Death Payment as well as Pension Protection.

The monthly payments for the Social Security Programme should be paid by both the employer and the employee.Amount paid is in relation to what type of protection you prefer as well as the salary itself.If you an independent member,you must pay the monthly fee by yourself.

Please note that this is not a complete insurance product,so if you require specific healthcare insurances,we would advise using an independent company

Register via the form link below:

Tax,Accountancy & Payroll

Tax,Accountancy & Payroll

Tax and Accountancy services in Indonesia can seem confusing to many,but the LestMoveIndonesia team is here to help.

For all businesses in Indonesia,monthly as well as annual tax reporting are mandatory,even if you have nothing to report.Please note,that if you do not report your taxes,you may be in for some hefty fines,so it is of the utmost importance you have a reliable and trusted partner to assist you.

At LetsMoveIndonesia,we offer a variety of services to ensure your financial obligations are met,as well as help you keep on top of your finances proficiently.

We offer a variety of services to assist you including: Monthly Tax Reporting,Annual Tax Reporting,Individual Tax Reporting,Monthly Accountancy & Payroll,VAT Reporting,EFIN Registration,BPJS Registration and Tax Training courses,so you can understand your mandatory obligations better.

If you need help setting up your business,editing your company deeds or even assistance with foreign workers visas,we can also assist you.

Overall,our prices are extremely competive and we are one of the only agencies in the country to advertise our princes online. Additionally,we are proud to offer full service packages that help you cut down on costs,please check out our Tax & Accountancy packages.

Register via the form link below:

Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration

In this day and age, a brands identity is Paramount to its success; therefore, protecting your brand, logo or catchphrase should be a priority to all new businesses; which ia why more and more businesses are beginning to project their business identity, by applying for a Trademark!

What is a Trademark?

According to the Indonesia Law of Trademark Number 20 Year 2016, the meaning of Trademark ia a brand which use on goods traded by someone or some people collectively agreed or legal entity to differentiatie with other. Generally, Trademark registration to protects names, words, slogan and symbols that identify a business and for distinguishes from other brand. Protecting trademarks ia an investment in customer Goodwill, leading to greater customer satisfaction and higher sales.

Upon your trademark gas been registered, you Will be able to use symbol and another common symbol asociated with trade Mark ia in older to demonstrate the products and enforceable by law. It also serves as notice to competitors that your serious about protecting your trademark rights. Registering your trademark grants you protection and the exclusive right to use your trademark on connection to the products and services for which your have registered in a determined country or territory. The treademark application ia to be submitted to the Directorate General of intellectual Property Rights, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.

Advantages of Trademark Registration
1. Protect against registration of similar marks.
2. Discourages others to using similar trademark.
3. Serves as evidence of the validity and axclusive ownership of Trademark.
4. Grants the right to use the symbol when the mark ia used for the goods and services listed in the registration.
5. To provide facilitating protection of the trademarks as business expands.

Process of Trademark Registration
1. Filling of Application
Your should file your application with the meaning of the trademark (if any), details of colour and picture and translate the meaning of trademark into Bahasa if the trademark in English.
2. Administrative Examination
The ministry of Law and Human Rights Will check whether the application Will meet the requirements or not. If the applicant does not meet the requirements, the applicant has an additional 2 months to successfuly edit the application.
3. Publication
Your Trademark Will be published by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights into their website to see whether there Will be any opposition, the Applicant can issue a counter statement to reject the opposition. If there ia no any opposition, the Applicant can continue the process into the next steps.
4. Examination
If the Ministry of Law and Human Rights refuse the Trademark Registration, the Applicant can respond against the rejection araound. After that, Applicant should be wait arround 3 months to get approval or refusal from the Ministry of Law and Human rights.
If the registration is approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the process can continue to the next stage.
5. Notification on Issuance of Certificate
The Ministry of Law and Human Rights Will give the notification for issuance of Certificate - whether the Certificate Will be issued or not.
6. Issuance of Certificate of Registration
The Trademark Certificate Will be issued by the Ministry Law and Human Rights.

A registered Trademark can have legal protection for period of 10 years to the date of receipt of the registration of the Trademark concerned. The Trademark can be renewed within 6 months before expiry date of trademark registration. The late filing of renewal application mah be filed within 6 month grace perlod after the expiry date of registration by payung a penalty.
Prohibitions of registering a Trademark
1. Contrary to the Ideology of the State, Legislation, Morality, Religion, Public Older.
2. Only mention about the products but not mention Class Cleary.
3. Cortain or mislaed the public about the origin, quality, type, size, purpose of the goods and/or services, or contains the name of a protected plant variety for goods and/or services.
4. Contain information which does not comply with the quality, benefits of goods and/or services.
5. Does not have any distinction from others Trademark.
6. Common name and/or general public property.

Register via the form link below:

VAT Registration

VAT Registration

One of business owner's biggest concerns when they set up a company in Indonesia ia ensuring they adhere to the correct working practices and that means paying the correct taxes and VAT.

Many new business owner ask whether or not they need to register for VAT and this depends on a faw different factors; but before we get there, let's clarify what it is and who it is relavant too.

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax imposed on most goods and services within Indonesia. The standard rate ia 10%; however, some goods and services are charged at differents Rates ranging from 5-15% in accordance with Indonesian Regulations.
It should be noted that Indonesia levies a separate GST on the sale of luxur items which ranges between 10% and 50%.

In general, your business ia required to become VAT registered when is reached an annual revenue of 4.8 billion IDR (Approx. 360.000 USD).

As well as different VAT rates, some business services are subject to 0% VAT, which as of 1st April 2019 included:

Services connected to movable goods, utilised outside of the Customs Area that comprise:
-Toll manufacturing services
-Repair and maintenance services, and
-Freeight forwarding services on export - oriented goods.

Services connected immovable goods located outside of the Customs Area in the form of consultation services for construction.

Other services where the output is utilised of the Customs Area and utilisation ia based on a request from an overseas recipient. These services comprise:

- Information and technology services

- Inter-connection, satellites, and/or data connectivity services

- Research and development (R&D) services

- The rental of aircraft and/or ships international flight for shipping activities

- Trading services that assist in fiding domestic sellers to procure goods for export purpoase, and

- Certain consultation sevices, accounting services, financial audit services, and tax services, among others.

Additional notes:

If you company is considere as Pengusaha Kena Pajak (PKP) you must report your VAT related business activity monthly.

Companies with several branches mush register each branch with the Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP).

The Steps involved during the VAT Registration Process are:

1. Submit the required VAT Documents to the Tx Office

2. Collect the VAT Certificate

3. Submit for VAT account

4. VAT account (username and password) will be sent through the email

Register via the form link below:

Virtual Office Space

Virtual Office Space

When setting up a business in Indonesia, it is mandatory you prosses an office address, which can be quite costly for new businesses, however, Rahayu Tax Consultan and Partners ha a solution - Introducing our new Virtual Office Space.

Welcome to Rahayu Tax Consultan and Partners!

Bogor Virtual Office Space

Our virtual office space is perfect for people that need a professional business, but at a cost effective and hassle-free price.

Although our virtual office space is only to obtain required legal documentation, you can use the facilities such as meeting room and coworking space for mandatory meetings whilst setting the business up - for example meetings with your bank.

Our virtual office price is 5,500.000 IDR per year, including tax; however, excludes a domicile letter-which can be provided at an additional cost if required.

So, save your money and welcome to Rahayu Tax Consultan and Partners - phase one of our coworking and serviced office solutions.

Jakarta Virtual Office Package

If you ae in need of a virtual office package for the sle purpose of establishing your business entuty in Jakarta, we recommend one of our partners for only 5.500.000 per year!

Office for you and your staff?

If you are looking for a more permanent solution, we can assist you in either locating a serviced office provider or a regular office. Our area of expertise is Central and South Jakarta.

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Visa Services

Visa Services

Indonesian visa and immigration processes are lengthy and complex, our Immigration Consultans are ready to facilitate visa services and make the experience less hassie for you.

We offer a variety of services perfect for helping you and your loved ones settle into Indonesia comfortable and safely.

We believe every client's needs are different, which is why we listen carefully to your specific requirements to make sure you get the products that suits you best. No upseling, price changes or unnecessary information.

Our team has years of experience and has helped thausand of expatriates with their visa beres, so you can be confident that you Will recelve and efficient service, at an extremely competitive price.

We value ethical behavior and beliave information should be clear and honest, which ia why LetsMoveIndonesia was the first agency on Jakarta to publicize our standard visa rates to our custumers.

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